✝ Gwenmara ✝
(The Plagued Nun)

Welcome to Gwenmara's Home Page
It seems you are sick. Lay down and let me take care of you. Browser around while you heal
Streaming on Twitch Mon-Fri at 6pm est.

You ever heard of the black plague? Maybe even gotten a flu?
Chances are you were almost close to seeing Gwenmara
Who is Gwenmara you ask? To answer that, we must ask ourselves, "What is Gwenmara?"
You hear her name from folklores, story books, bard epics, even word of mouth claiming to have seen her...

"Mom, why does it hurt? Why isn't dad here? The sky looks so dark today. Almost like all the light was stolen away."
Silence filled the air
"I guess even you don't know why our family was cursed with such misfortune. Considering you're not here either."
Nothingness came
"God, is this really it? Despite my family having faith in you. You turn a blind eye to our pain yet soak in our faith"
The sounds of rats can be heard through the walls
"If this is my end, I shall accept your embrace and pray once more"
The girl hears her door creaking open as a man wearing mysterious black clothing with a bird-like mask enters
"Das ist der Glaube eines armen Mädchens, das sich an Gottes Willen hält, aber seinem eigenen schwachen Körper nicht entkommen kann"
The man spoke in a weird tongue yet the girl understood everything
"Who are you?"
Ich bin nur ein einfacher Arzt, der helfen möchte. Ich brauche eine Assistenz, aber ich brauche eine mit einem bestimmten Körperbau, der meine Behandlungen ertragen kann."
"I require no doctor or treatment for God is my savior and healer"
Scheinbar missverstehst du etwas. Ich bin nicht hier, um Ihnen Ihren Glauben zu nehmen. Ich möchte sie einfach verlängern.
As the light starts to fade from her pupils, skin turning more pale, the rats running even more rampage, and her voice ever so slowly dying out
She quotes from the Bible with her final breath - Psalm 56:10-13
I will fulfill my vows to you, O God, and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help. For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light."
"Heute bist du wiedergeboren. Ein verlorenes, krankes und zerfetztes Kind. Du wirst mein Lehrling sein und die Kranken heilen. Mit allen notwendigen Mitteln"
The girl felt her skin burning, peeling away her pale pigment, leaving behind grayness as if the illness started to rapidly spread faster
Her screams could be heard throughout the town but everyone turned a blind eye as if this sorta thing was normal
While withering in bed, the girl clenches heavily onto her red rosary left behind by her mother
Wiedergeburt wird weder aus Blut noch aus Fleisch noch aus menschlichem Ursprung geboren. Sondern von Gott geboren. Überall, wo wir leuchten, brennen Tod und Leben zu etwas Neuem…
After an entire day of screaming in pain, the villagers watched as a grayish look girl covered in black rags exits the house with a coated man
While holding the little girl's hand. They walk away and were never seen again

Or so the story goes...Who can tell.
It makes you wonder if Gwenmara is even her real name.
It's almost as if different Gwen is some sort of holy name while Mara has another meaning...
But I could be wrong, it's up to you to figure out who she reall is behind that mask
Obviously, we won't leave you high and dry. Here is some information we gathered on her so far

✝Gwenmara's Diary? ✝

Why must thou know my story?
Why do thou care?
Such vile people only care about thin selves
But that's okay...I still have "friends"
They speak to me. They understand me. They love me.

Who cares about [REDACTED]
God has blessed with me [REDACTED]
Who is thou to pass judgement on others?
Mother told me that thine eyes can see what others cannot
She's in a better place now...
Sometimes I still see her in my dreams...Calling me

Nickname(s): Gwenmara (Known Best As), God's Plagued Mistress, Holy Scourge
Age: Unknown (Known to probably be over 700 years old)
Birthday: [Unknown] (Seen carrying a birthday cake and celebrating something in a broken down house in October, Related?)
Species: Human?
Height: (Multiple sources but most common response was 6'10)
Weight: [REDACTED]
Gender: Female? [Reports state they are sometimes seen as male with the same pigment]
Sex: Agender?
Pronouns: They/Them?
Sexuality: [Reports state they are seen flirting with the female gender]
Relationship status: [REDACTED]
Occupation: A Plague Doctor Nun?
Current location/from: [Reports state her last known location was in America]
Personality: [Potential mother-like nature with mask off yet shows psycho apathy like behavior when it's removed]
Likes: Rats, Sick People, [REDACTED], Sweets, Nuns , Herbs, Black Tea, and People calling her Mommy
Dislikes: Healthy people, [REDACTED], Rich People, Bitter Things, Sadness, and People who try to remove her mask

✝❤ Fan Art ❤✝

More Art for Gwenmara can be seen on Twitter (#Gwenmara)
I always retweet/post art made for me. I appreciate every form of made for her


Here are my other social medias :)Feel free to give them a follow or if you're feeling generous maybe even donating to the plague(My DMS are always open)